North America Chinese Youth Orchestra

North America Chinese Youth Orchestra (NACYO) provides music education for 1st to 12th grades. Our music education teaches students to play music from diverse cultures on Chinese traditional instruments, guitar & violin; cultivates students’ cross-cultural understanding; guides students to contribute to their community through their music, and nurtures in our students the values of compassion, artistic beauty appreciation, and inclusiveness.

通過其北美青年中樂團 (NACYO)為1至12年級的學生提供音樂教育。我們的音樂教育,教授學生能夠使用中國傳統樂器,吉他,小提琴演奏來自不同文化的音樂作品; 培養學生的跨文化理解力; 指導學生通過演奏音樂為社區作出貢獻; 培育學生的藝術審美能力, 同情心 和包容性價值觀.

Current Program

Upcoming Programs

Sept 7 - Dec 14, 2024
Pre-register now

Past Programs

Jan 13 - May 25, 2024

Sept 9 - Dec 16, 2023

Session I: June 5 - 10, 2023 | Session II: June 10 - July 15, 2023