Erhu 二胡

Erhu 二胡 is the Chinese two-string fiddle - “er” means two and “hu” means fiddle. It is also known as the “Chinese violin”. The erhu is played by gliding the bow (made of bamboo and horsehair) between the two steel strings. The erhu produces its sound through the circular soundbox (at the bottom) - which is opened on one end and the other side capped with python skin. The erhu does not have a fingerboard, which allows more possibilities of sound control, tone color, and expressions. The erhu is the most popular instrument in the huqin family of traditional bowed instruments, and has a history of over a thousand years in China. It is used as a solo instrument, as well as in small ensembles and large orchestras.

Chinese two-string fiddle


'Gallop of Warhorses' 戰馬奔騰
Tao Shi & San Francisco Symphony
Ming Luke, conductor