Zhuoming Xu

Dizi Soloist & Faculty

Xiao, Chinese Flute, Hulusi, Xun, Panflute
Chinese Woodwind Multi-Instrumentalist
Musician of Melody of China
Instructor of Chinese Orchestra at Stanford University
Host and Columnist of Chinese Music Introducing in US Chinese Radio Station

Xu Zhuoming is a Chinese Dizi Soloist and Chinese woodwinds multi-instrumentalist, a member of Chinese Musician Association and a famous music producer. Mr. Xu graduated from Guangzhou Music Conservatory in 1987. In 1985, he performed in Hong Kong International Youth Arts Festival. Continuing to study and perform Chinese music for more than 45 years on international stages around the world, he is hailed as a leading virtuoso and pedagogue in Chinese Music. He has been performing in California Chinese Orchestra since 2007, and serves as one of their music instructors. In 2014-2016, Mr. Xu was a Dizi instructor at Aimusic School and a Dizi soloist of Firebird Youth Chinese Orchestra. In 2014-2017, Mr. Xu was invited as a judge three times for United States International Music Competition. In 2016, he performed with Golden Gate Bridge Orchestra in San Francisco and Berkeley, performing “Ask the Sky and The Earth”. From 2015-2023, Mr. Xu was invited to perform at various concerts and music festivals in Toronto, Portugal and Spain. Mr. Xu currently serves as instructor of Chinese Orchestra at Stanford University and a music producer of Inspiration Studio in the USA. He is the Host and Columnist of Chinese Music Introducing in US Chinese Radio Station.

许卓明 笛子、洞箫、埙、巴乌、葫芦丝、排箫演奏家。中国音乐家协会竹笛学会会员,中国音乐家协会广东会员, 原广东音像出版社高级录音师、音乐编辑,著名音乐制作人,1983年 毕业于中国广州音乐学院附中 (六年制)笛子演奏专业,1987年毕业广州星海音乐学院(四年制)笛子演奏专业。在校期间, 1985年曾代表中国青年音乐家,参加香港国际青年音乐艺术节演出,得到好评。他演奏的《山村迎亲人》和广东音乐、潮州音乐被澳洲悉尼音乐学院图书馆收录。曾获得第四届羊城音乐花会新作品演奏金奖,曾获“京、津、汉、穗”器乐比赛三等奖。因许氏精通广东音乐、广东汉乐、潮州音乐,1995 主编的 <<雅乐>>获得人民日报最佳盒带, 1998年受邀前往澳门录制回归CD,1999年获得文化部金唱片奖。2007 年移民来美,并聘为加州中乐团的导师。在2014-2016期间,聘为美国硅谷–爱乐音专的笛子老师和火凤青年国乐团的独奏演员。 2014-2017三次被邀请为斯坦福中国音乐器乐比赛评委。2016年被邀请参加美国三藩市金门交响乐团和合唱团《岁月甘泉》洞箫领奏演出。 2015-2023年间,先后出访多伦多、葡萄牙,西班牙演出,深受欢迎。斯坦福大学中乐团管乐指导老师,美国Inspiration音乐工作室的音乐监制。美国汉声乐团的演奏家。美国中文台《国乐漫谈》专栏主持人。

“无羁” The Untamed
Soloist: Zhuoming Xu